Request for IIT Graduates/Interns

IIT Alumni Network

An alumnus of IIT is anyone who has successfully completed either of the following programmes:

  • Electromechanics Programme
  • Electrotechnics Programme
  • Mechatronics Programme
  • Modular Programme

Upon completing the above mentioned programmes, the graduate is well competent having the right knowledge, skill and attitude to fit into the workforce.

This portal is meant to aid employers in verifying a said graduate as well as to request graduates of IIT for employment.

Employers can also request for interns via this portal. Students of the Electromechanics and Electrotechnics programmes are required to undergo 10 months internship (with a training plan) before the completion of their programme.

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Upon graduation from IIT, I decided to work and further my education. Life was much easier for me because I already had the theoretical foundation and daily practical experience it takes to understand engineering.