Admissions Requirements YSL

For Electromechanics / Electrotechnics Programmes

Candidates must:

  1. Be Male Secondary School leaver.
  2. Be at least 16 years at the commencement of the programme and not more than 23 years.
  3. Submit a copy of SSCE/GCE/NECO/NTC or any other O-level result, birth certificate, a recommendation letter from school principal or testimonial, and a passport photograph.
  4. Have credits in Mathematics and Physics at SSCE/GCE/NECO/NTC exams
  5. Take a personality test.
  6. Pass IIT entrance examination and Interviews. The entrance examination covers areas in Mathematics, English, Aptitude, Technical Abilities, and Physics. The interviews consist of two stages – 1. Faculty Interview, 2. Management Interview.
  7. Be fit to undertake the training (Medical report will be required)
I had some troubles initially with the fees, but received a scholarship grant, and so I made it; I finally made it to IIT.