
The Institute for Industrial Technology (IIT) is a social project set-up with the aim of addressing the problems of poverty and youth unemployment in Nigeria through Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

IIT is a project of African Development Foundation (ADF), a not-for-profit educational and social welfare foundation established in 1994 by some well-meaning citizens of Nigeria. Through IIT, ADF aims to address the widespread poverty and youth unemployment in the country using technical vocational education and training programs.

IIT has benefitted from the educational and social concern of the Lagos Business School (LBS). IIT started operations on March 27, 2000. In May 2006, IIT obtained its license to operate as a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution from the Lagos State Ministry of Education.

For over 20 years we have continued to touch and transform lives of youths from economically marginalized families. Each year we admit a minimum of 48 school leavers on scholarship for about 3 years. We could do more if we have the necessary support. Our target is to integrate these youths from economically marginalized families into the workplace so that they become productive and contribute to the economy. Beneficiaries of the school leavers programme are usually between the age of 16 and 23. This target group tend to embrace lifestyles that may be anti-social if not attended to. By passing through IIT programmes, they become multi-skilled tradesmen easily employable in any engineering industry. In this way, IIT helps to break the cycle of poverty.

Also, each year we intend to admit a minimum of 40 ladies (graduate level) on scholarship for a duration of about 1 year. Our target to integrate them into the industrial technical workplace thereby gradually closing the gender gap in this space. However, this has proven difficult due to lack of scholarship funding which leads to low enrolment.

For information on our vision and mission, kindly visit IIT Strategic Intent

To ensure the sustainability of this project, we train other categories and offer technical services to industries. Through this, we raise funds to provide scholarship to the beneficiaries of this project. We also put the effort to get support from well-meaning companies, NGO’s and individuals through donations of funds for student scholarships, equipment, building and maintenance, training machinery, teachers training and development etc. Over the years, several individuals and organisations have contributed a great deal to the success of this project. Those who have supported IIT over the years and till date

We would like to use this medium to ask for your generous support in other to continue this wonderful project.

IIT provides high quality technical vocational training and in-company training opportunities through the dual vocational training system. There is a great emphasis on education in values as IIT targets the development of the whole person. IIT was set-up in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of St. Josemaria Escriva, the Founder of Opus Dei. He was greatly concerned about helping the less privileged members of society to improve their social conditions, such that they could obtain the needed resources to live more dignified lives.

I had some troubles initially with the fees, but received a scholarship grant, and so I made it; I finally made it to IIT.